
Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() (line 2405 of /usr/www/users/ztfesc/zt-eschborn.de_alt/includes/menu.inc).
Enjoy friendliness and expertise

In addition to the academic qualifications, kindness and organizational skills are paramount. After all, you should feel comfortable with the dental team in Eschborn.

Your dental health is in good hands

Ricardo Rodrigues Ferreira and Mohammad Isaq Rahimzei are passionate dentists. Both grew up in Frankfurt and studied together at the "Carolinum" Dental Clinic in Frankfurt am Main. With the opening of their own dental office in Eschborn they have fulfilled a dream. Therefore, R. Ferreira and M. Rahimzei provide highly motivated first-class dental care.

Patients have come to appreciate their friendly and open way. Since the two dentists have different treatment priorities, the dental office in Eschborn offers a broad spectrum. In the interest of providing individual treatment based on trust, every patient, therefore, has a permanent contact person..
Zahnarzt Alexander Korff

Alexander Korff

  • Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Zahnklinik "Carolinum" in Frankfurt am Main
  • Assistenzzeit von 2012 bis 2015 in der prothetischen Abteilung der Zahnklinik Frankfurt und 2015 bis 2016 in der Praxis Fr. Dr. Sittig-Vondung in Frankfurt am Main
  • Curriculum Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion (CMD)
  • Doktorarbeit zum Thema Periimplantitis
In der Zahnmedizin hat mich schon immer die Kombination von intellektueller und handwerklicher Herausforderung gereizt. Ich sehe es nicht als Arbeit, sondern als meine Berufung.
Zahnarzt Ricardo Rodrigues Ferreira

Ricardo Rodrigues Ferreira

  • Studied dentistry at the “Carolinum" Dental Clinic in Frankfurt am Main
  • Assistantship from 2012 - January 2015 at the practice of Dr. Hauk, Frankfurt
  • Treatment priorities during this period: tooth preservation and prosthetics
  • Dissertation across multiple disciplines on “immunohaematology"
I always wanted to work with my hands. For me, dentistry is a craft in perfection. Being able to help people with it makes the profession really special.
Zahnarzt Mohammad Rahimzei

Mohammad Isaq Rahimzei

  • Studied dentistry at the "Carolinum" Dental Clinic in Frankfurt am Main
  • Assistantship from 2012-2013, at the practice of Dr. Avci and 2013-2014 at the practice of Dr. Padilla, Frankfurt am Main
  • Curriculum on endodontics in Frankfurt am Main
  • From September 2014 - April 2015 staff dentist at the practice of Dr. Padilla
Dentistry combines modern technology with a large dose of knowledge of human nature. To care for people gives me a lot of joy. This makes the everyday exciting.